Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Bruce Trail

Hotels in Canada

At 800 km (500 mi) the Bruce trail in Ontario is the oldest and longest marked trail in Canada, taking the hiker along the Niagara Escarpment from Niagara to the tip of the Bruce Peninsula. There are also about 300 kIn (187 mi) of additional side trails that link well with the Bruce. The iconic waterfalls at Niagara are a great place to start and having left with the sound of crashing water in your ears and ozone in your lungs, it is a short hike to the main trail proper.


This well-maintained trail, with its clear markings and efficiently  run campgrounds is the most ambitious of projects. The nine chapters of the Bruce Trail Association work hard at protecting this UNESCO World Biosphere Reserve, acquiring new land and opening to up this most beautiful, fragile environment for all to see. Hence, it is important to take nothing and leave nothing, except memories and  photographs. The fact that the campsites provide all necessary camping gear, to avoid outside contamination, means that you can travel light and cover more ground than you would otherwise.

This ancient escarpment shelters a rare bio-diversity and is home to an array of woodland dwellers, from chipmunks to bear and chickadees to Canada geese. The further north you venture the more isolated the trail becomes and the more likely you are to witness the resident fauna in its natural envirornnent. A good pair of binoculars and a soft step is all you need - enjoy.


On foot and by bike

Niagara, ON

During the fall colours (September-October) is best, but really any time from May to October is good

An experienced hiker could expect to complete the trail inside 20 days, but since 200 km (125 mi) of the Bruce is paved road, it is probably best tackled in sections.

Blue Mountains Section (Lavender to Craigleith).
Beaver Valley Section {Craigleith to Blantyre) - offering fine views of rocky crevasses.
sydenham Section (Blantyre to · Wiarton) - teeming with nature.
The camaraderie of the campgrounds.

If you are backpacking you need to be in good shape. The rocky terrain can make this journey treacherous and it can be slippery in wet weather. Campfires are not allowed and drinking water must be treated.